
Time to bring together your brightest friends, colleagues and sneaky uncles. Gather a team of 2 – 5 Rats and win the 2017 Rat Run in Jing’An!


Sproutworks at West Nanjing Road will host this year’s race. Sproutworks offer refreshments for the race and a great lunch deal. Also, In cooperation with the neighbouring ZhangYuan99, we will secure good beer deals for the teams who desire to continue celebrating like true rats.

Again this year, the Rat Run will be crazy, fun and heart-pounding. To win you must be fast at getting around the alleys of Jing’an, but more importantly you must have a strong team spirit to solve the 8 challenges spread across the Rat Run area.

Practical 活动安排
Date: Saturday,18th March 2017, 09:30 - 13:00.
Location: Taixing Road 84 (Metro line 2, 12 & 13 - West Nanjing Road).

Team: 2 - 5 members.

Price: 120 RMB per runner, 20 RMB discount till 5th March.

Race pack: Each team will be given a race pack with Rat Run shirts, race numbers and race equipment.

Route: Rat Run is a team orienteering, so the distance depends on your team's navigation skills. Normally teams cover 8 - 10K in the Rat Run.



Schedule 时间表
09:30 Race pack pickup opens 开始领取比赛包
10:15 Rat Run starts 鼠窜跑开始
11:30 Lunch deal opens at Sproutworks 豆苗工坊开始提供午饭套餐
12:00 Prize ceremony 颁奖典礼
13:00 Event closing 活动结束

Registration 报名
There are limited tickets, so gather your team and register here through the RunnersHai Wechat account.

Scan the QR code and send us your 
team name, list of members and a contact email.


Rules 活动规则

Rat Run is a race where teams compete against each other in a scavenger hunt set up, in athletic terms this is called orienteering.
Each runner will receive a map at the start, based on the markings on the map there are 8 points to reach. At each location, there is a stamp applied to the map, while some spots have challenges to be completed before the stamp can be attained. There will also be bonus challenges where time reductions can be gained from completing a specific assignment.

Route 路线:

Rat Run is a team race, so keep your mates close as all members must finish together. The race area will mostly avoid crossing major highways and passages with heavy traffic, while it is a scavenger hunt and each team will lay down their one route. The shortest distance between the 8 spots is about 8K. Most teams will not be able to follow a perfect route, so 9 - 10K should be expected. From our experience, running a scavenger hunt is not as exhausting as doing the same distance in one stretch, so don't worry if you are not used to the distance.
鼠窜跑活动是一个团队活动,只有队员之间密切配合完成才有效,比赛路线大多会绕过主要高速路或者交通拥堵的地方,这是参赛者自己规划路线的寻物竞赛活动,8个寻物点之间的最短距离是8公里,大部分队伍可能得不到一个最短距离的路线,所以路程基本上是9到10公里,这场活动是区别于之前的相同距离跑步拉伸活动,所以不用担心不适应距离的问题. 鼠窜跑是一个团队的定向赛跑竞赛,所以路程的长短会取决于导向技能,通常距离是8到10公里。

Team 团队:
Put together a team of 2 - 5 rats, any mix of gender and age is accepted. Remember that fast legs alone will not make the winning team, you will likely need navigation skills and brains as well.
If you don't have a team, just let us know and we will be happy to pair you with a group of rats scavenging for runners.

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